- Status New
- Prozent erledigt
- Aufgabentyp Feature Request
- Kategorie Tp Management
- zuständig niemand
- Betriebssystem All
- Schweregrad niedrig
- Dringlichkeit gering
- betrifft Version 2.70
- fällig in Version unbestimmt
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FS#429 - Inline Editing, or Basic Edit Dialog
Another idea for you. Is it possible to edit time entries right in the main time punch screen? Even if you limited editing in that screen to times and description changes would be very helpful. I find the time it takes the new edit screen to come up, to populate, to select customers tasks etc., and to save/close to be a pain, when all I want is to add a few words or change a time. I’ve tried to get used to the new edit screen and find it cumbersome. Maybe options for simple and detailed edits would solve this. For those that like the “new” screen they could use that and call it “Detailed Editing Features”, for those that want simplicity, a simplified “Basic Editing” version? I would certainly appreciate that. I’m sure others would as well.
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