- Status New
- Prozent erledigt
- Aufgabentyp Feature Request
- Kategorie Tp Mobile
- zuständig niemand
- Betriebssystem All
- Schweregrad niedrig
- Dringlichkeit gering
- betrifft Version 2.00
- fällig in Version unbestimmt
fällig am
FS#290 - Suggestions for additional features
Here’s a suggestion for additional features. The more important ones are at the top of the list.
1.To be able to note hardware sales (amount and price) in addition to hours.
2.An expense section with mileage. Start-Stop, calculate mileage.
3.Expense section for food, parts for resale, and just general parts for project completion.
4.The ability to sync both ways. It is easier to type some of the descriptions and other information on the computer rather than on the phone.
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